
ZOE Producer Awarded for Corporate Social Responsibility

In 1974, Aceites Toledo voluntarily started a major program focused on the development of sustainable agri­culture and the protection of the rural environment in the province of Toledo. This project involved the purchase of Dehasa Monreal property. This historically significant land includes an Xlth century castle and an agricu­ltural complex of 5,000 acres dedicated to olive trees, cereal cultivation and the protection of endangered species of fauna and flora. Dehasa Monreal is a prime example of our Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC), dedication to sustainability and preservation of the environment.

As a result of over 30 years of financial commitments by Aceites Toledo, Dehasa Monreal is considered one of the most important private nature reserves in the world. We are very proud and honored to be associated with a supplier who has been recognized by the Spanish Association for the Development of Corporate Funding with the 2004 Award to Environmental Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility, a recognition that followed the 2003 Fondena Award to Major Achievements in Nature Protection awarded by H.M. the King of Spain.


“As a result of over 30 years of financial commitments by Aceites Toledo, Dehasa Monreal is considered one of the most important private nature reserves in the world. ”
